
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Resepi - Kek Zebra Tapai Ubi

Bahan :
250gram tepung sponge cake perisa vanilla
65ml water5 bijik telur
65ml minyak mazola atau minyak masak lainnya
200gram tapai ubi (lagi baguih if tapainya manis) lenyek halus ngan sudu,buang seratnya

Cara-cara :
Pukul tepung sponge cake + air+ telur dengan laju sedikit hingga kental dan pekat. Adunan ok bila whisk diangkat adunan agak pekat atau macam berat sangat nak jatuh kebawah.

Masukan minyak masak dan kaup balik dengan spatula besar.

Ambil kira-kira 10 sudu makan adunan, pisahkan dalam mangkuk yg lain dan tambah sedikit chocolate paste (adunan A)

Masukkan tapai ubi ke dalam lebihan adunan tadi yang telah di lenyek halus, kaup balik dengan spatula sehingga sebati (adunan B)

Tambah secara selang seli adunan A dan B dalam loyang.

Bakar dengan suhu 170C selama 30 minit

selamat mencuba.
Posted by loveliana,Kuala Lumpur.Malaysia

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Adab sebelum, ketika dan selepas makan mengikut Islam

BANYAK penyakit yang menyerang manusia berkait rapat dengan makan minum. Justeru, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w sering mengingatkan umat Islam berkaitan bahaya perut agar me reka berwaspada dengannya.Dalam kitab Ihya Ulumuddin, Imam al-Ghazali menye naraikan tujuh adab sebelum makan yang perlu dijaga:

1. Memastikan makanan daripada sumber halal.

2. Membersihkan tangan.

3. Meletakkan makanan dalam bekas yang diletakkan di lantai kerana ia melatih diri untuk bertawaduk. Tetapi jika makanan diletakkan di atas meja tanpa melampaui batas, ia tidaklah dilarang.

4. Duduk secara betul. Dilarang makan sambil berbaring atau bersandar.

5. Berniat agar makanan itu mendatangkan kekuatan untuk beribadat kepada Allah.

6. Bergembira dengan rezeki yang terhidang dan ber syukur.

7. Berusaha untuk tidak makan seorang diri, tetapi ber sama-sama dengan orang lain walaupun daripada kalangan keluarga dan anak sendiri.

Imam al-Ghazali juga menyenaraikan adab ketika makan yang perlu dijaga agar makanan itu diberkati oleh Allah.

1. Mulakan dengan bismillah dan doa.

2. Makan dengan tangan kanan.

3. Mengunyah dengan baik.

4. Jangan dicaci sebarang makanan.

5. Sebaik-baiknya dijamah makanan yang terdekat kecuali buah-buahan.

6. Jangan menghembus di atas makanan yang panas. Tunggulah dengan sabar.

7. Jangan makan secara berlebihan.

8. Apabila terpaksa minum air, pastikan ia sedikit saja kecuali jika perlu.

Berhubung dengan adab selepas makan, Imam al-Ghazali memberikan beberapa panduan.

1. Berhenti makan sebelum kenyang.

2. Menjilat jari.

3. Membasuh tangan.

4. Berdoa.

5. Mengeluarkan makanan yang terlekat di celah gigi.

6. Banyak bersyukur kepada Allah.

7. Beristighfar agar diampunkan Allah andai ada unsur syubhah pada makanan.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Loughborough University Research Finds Tempe Linked to better Memory

People who eat high levels of some soy products, including tofu and other so-called ‘superfoods’, may be at an increased risk of memory loss.

Scientists from the Universities of Loughborough and Oxford, funded by the Alzheimer’s Research Trust, worked with Indonesian colleagues to investigate the effects of high soy consumption in 719 elderly Indonesians living in urban and rural regions of Java.

The researchers’ findings, to be published in ‘Dementias and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders’ later this month, include evidence that a high consumption of tofu is associated with worsening memory, particularly among people aged 68 or older.

Lead researcher, Professor Eef Hogervorst of Loughborough University said: “Soy consumption is on the increase in the West and is often promoted as a ‘superfood’. Soy products are rich in micronutrients called phytoestrogens, but it is not entirely clear what their effect on the aging brain is.

“They have similar effects to oestrogen which may offer neuroprotection to the middle-aged and young but not to over 65s for whom it could heighten risk of dementia and lower memory function.”

Intriguingly, the researchers also found that consuming tempe, a fermented soy product made from whole soy bean, is associated with better memory.Professor Hogervorst said the beneficial effect of tempe might be related to its high levels of folate, which is known to reduce dementia risk.


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Recipe blogs

We have also created malay's recipes collection. Feel free to surf our page at

See you there....

Recipe - Vegetarian Curry with Tempe

Ingredients :
250g tempeh, cube cut
100g cabbage, cubed
100g carrot, cut into wedges
3–4 long beans, cut into 3cm lengths
1 potato, cut into wedges
1 brinjal, cut into slanting round slices
4 baby young corns, halved
1 tomato, cut into wedges
4 tbsp oil
800ml low-fat milk
400ml water

Spices (A) (combined and ground)
6 dried red chillies
5 fresh red chillies
2cm piece galangal
2cm piece ginger
1cm piece fresh turmeric
2 tbsp meat curry powder
1/2 tsp belacan stock granules
2 stalks lemon grass, sliced

Spices (B):
5cm cinnamon stick
1 star anise
4 cloves
3 cardamoms, split
2 stalks curry leaves Seasoning:
1 tsp salt or to taste
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp chicken stock granules

How to cook :
Heat oil and fry spices (A) and (B) until fragrant. Add carrot and potatoes and cook for 2 minutes.

Add long beans and brinjals.

Pour in the low-fat milk and bring to just a boil.

Add cabbage, tomato and baby young corns.

Simmer for 1–2 minutes.

Add tempe and cook for an extra 2–3 minutes.

Add seasoning to taste.

Dish out and serve immediately.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Recipe - Dry Masala Tempe

Ingredients :
225g tempe, cut into bite-sized pieces
Oil for deep-frying
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1/2 tsp salt or to taste
2 green chillies, sliced and seeded
1 red chilli, sliced and seeded
5 shallots, sliced
1 tbsp shredded ginger
2 stalks curry leaves
1 tbsp chilli paste
1 tbsp meat curry powder
1 tsp mustard seeds (biji sawi)
2cm piece cinnamon stick
2–3 tbsp oil
100ml plain yoghurt
1 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp garam masala

How to cook :
Sprinkle turmeric powder and salt onto the tempe slices.

Deep-fry them in hot oil until golden brown and crispy.

Remove and drain on absorbent kitchen paper towels.

Heat oil in a wok or pan and fry shallots until fragrant.

Add in both red and green chillies and fry for 1 minute.

Add in the rest of the ingredients except the tempe.

Cook for 4–5 minutes over a gentle low heat until gravy turns fragrant.

Return the tempe pieces into the wok or pan and stir gently (without breaking the tempe) until well blended or coated with gravy.

Dish out and serve.