
Friday, April 10, 2009

Soya Diperam Lebih Baik


Saya agak terkejut apabila seorang pembaca blog ini menghubungi saya berkongsi cerita perihal tempe dan air soya. Kami berbual agak panjang juga dan banyak perkara kami bualkan. Beliau merupakan pengamal pemakanan di Johor.

Saya nak ucapkan terima kasih kerana memberi informasi berguna dan sudi melawati blog saya yang tak seberapa ini.

Sejak itu, saya mebuat beberapa pencarian di laman sesawang untuk mencari fakta dan cerita. Memang benar, orang barat cuba menyembunyikan cerita sebenar kerana mereka merupakan pengeluar soya.

Saya letak beberapa artikel dan cerita yang mungkin berguna untuk dikongsi....

Artikel 1
A look at soya from a wholefood perspective
There is a lot of controversy about soya and it's effects on human health. Articles that you read may have a certain bias depending on what "camp" they come from. We come from the wholefood camp and it is from this perspective that we take an in depth look at the soya bean.

Refined soya products
It may come as a surprise to many to learn that soya milk and tofu are not wholefoods - they both undergo a refining process. Commercially made tofu may be fermented using chemical ingredients, alum or vinegar and are not recommended. Choose organic tofu that is fermented with nigari or lemon juice. Make an effort to change the soaking water daily and wash before use, as toxic constituents migrate out of the tofu and into the water. It is good practise to soak all pulses and discard the soaking water before cooking. TVP (a soya based product) and soya flour also undergo an even longer refining process, always choose organic TVPas the production process is less intensive and it will be free from GM soya.

Artikel 2
Soya alert over cancer and brain damage link
Special report: what's wrong with our food? by Antony Barnett, public affairs editor Sunday August 13, 2000A health warning was sounded last night over the dangers of eating soya after two senior American government scientists revealed that chemicals in the product could increase the risk of breast cancer inwomen, brain damage in men and abnormalities in infants.

The disclosure, which sent shockwaves through the multi-billion dollar food industry, came after the scientists decided to break ranks with colleagues in the US Food and Drug Administration and oppose its decisionlast year to approve a health claim that soya reduced therisk of heart disease. They wrote an internal protest letter warning of 28 studies revealing toxic effects of soya.

Artikel 3
Health Claims for Soy Protein
What's known is that all foods, including soy, are complex collections of chemicals that can be beneficial for many people in many situations, but can be harmful to some people when used inappropriately. In that simple fact lies much of the scientific dilemma--when do data show a food is safe and when do they show there could be problems?
Scientists agree that foods rich in soy protein can have considerable value to heart health, a fact backed by dozens of controlled clinical studies. A yearlong review of the available human studies in 1999 prompted FDA to allow a health claim on food labels stating that a daily diet containing 25 grams of soy protein, also low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease.

"Soy by itself is not a magic food," says Christine Lewis, acting director of the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition's Office of Nutritional Products, Labeling and Dietary Supplements. "But rather it is an example of the different kinds of foods that together in a complete diet can have a positive effect on health."

Much of the research to date has examined dietary soy in the form of whole foods such as tofu, "soymilk," or as soy protein added to foods, and the public health community mostly concurs that these whole foods can be worthwhile additions to a healthy diet. The recently raised concerns, however, focus on specific components of soy, such as the soy isoflavones daidzein and genistein, not the whole food or intact soy protein. These chemicals, available over the counter in pills and powders, are often advertised as dietary supplements for use by women to help lessen menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes.
Artikel 4
Fermented Soy: Aid to Cancer Prevention & Therapy
Fermentation is the oldest known form of food biotechnology; records of barley conversion to beer date back more than 5000 years. The traditional fermentation process serves several functions, including the enrichment of food substrates biologically with protein, essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamins, polyamines, carbohydrates and numerous anti-oxidants and phytosterols.(1)

The fermentation process, for example, with lactobacilli, increases the quantity, availability, digestibility and assimilation of nutrients in the body.(2)

It is being increasingly recognized that while, for example, soy and soy protein isolates have potentially anti-nutritive value due to their high phytate and oxalic acid levels, cultured soy products such as miso, natto, and tempeh have enhanced nutritive bioavailability without the possible ill effects of the uncultured soy supplements.(1,3)

Uncultured soy with its high phytate levels has been shown in a number of studies to block absorption of vital nutrients such as calcium.(4)

The use of soy as a culturing medium is also advantageous because iron is naturally available in soy.(3)
Iron in an elemental form is potentially toxic and pro-oxidative, but a lack of iron in the body potentiates development of anaemia and can thus be lethal.(4)

Culturing soy has been shown to enhance the bioavailability of iron and copper, hence rendering the delivery of these nutrients in their most advantageous forms.(5,6)

Lain-lain link bahasa melayu:

Ramai orang masih percaya yang soya adalah makanan kesihatan..tetapi adalah PENTING untuk mengetahui yang soya mempunyai keburukan yang sangat jelas. Antaranya:

1. Soya mempunyai kandungan tinggi asid phytic yang menghalang penyerapan zat dan mineral (kalsium,magnesium, zink) semasa pencernaan dalam usus. Bayangkan apa apa akan berlaku jika zat-zat yang anda harapkan..terbazir begitu sahaja disebabkan tiada penyerapan.
2. Soya mengandungi hemaglutinin-yang menyebabkan sel-sel darah merah terkumpul dan melekat sesama mereka
3. Mengandungi goitrogen-melemahkan fungsi tiroid (sangat bahaya)
4. Kebanyakan soya adalah GM (genetically modified)-struktur gen berubah untuk tujuan pertanian (supaya lebih besar dsg) dan mengandungi racun serangga yang tertinggi

5. Juga mempunyai kandungan tinggi toxin natural dinamakan antinutrient (antizat). Ia adalah penghalang enzim dalam pencernaan protein. Ianya tidak mudah dimusnahkan semasa proses memasak. Hasilnya ialah anda mendapat kembung perut dan kekurangan asid amino-dimana akan menjurus kepada kerosakan pankreas.

6. Disebabkan unsur antinutrient, syarikat pengeluar berusaha untuk menyahkannya pada akhir proses, ianya dibawa dalam beberapa siri proses kemikal termasuk membasuhnya dengan asid dalam tangki aluminum.

Kesan serapan aluminum ke dalam soya adalah sangat tinggi. Bayangkan toxic heavy metal aluminum ke dalam pemakanan anda boleh membawa kepada penyakit nyanyuk.

Soya yang telah mengalami proses peraman (fermentation) seperti tempeh dan kicap soya tidak mempunyai masalah-masalah diatas malah ianya sangat baik untuk kesihatan. Tahukah anda dari kajian terkini mengatakan kicap soya mengandungi anti-oksida.

Ini komen dari saudara Fuad : Kacang soya hanya sesuai dimakan apabila ianya dijadikan tempe dan bukan secara mentah seperti susu soya dan toufu kerana ianya mempunyai isoflavone yang tinggi. Soya adalah kategori kacang yang punyai antinutritive compound dan boleh menyebabkan beberapa penyakit. Saya juga hairan mengapa orang dahulu tidak makan terus soya tetapi mereka jadikan tempe, natto, miso dan tahu busuk.
Terima kasih kepada semua pembaca yang prihatin. Semoga kita beroleh kesihatan yang baik sentiasa.

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